Biophilia green office ecosystem design green installation green interior design plant installation green art nature plant interior design biophilic interior design vertical garden aquarium terrarium paludarium well being eco luxury gohumid grön kont


Why go green?

Biophilic design has become more common in working and living environments in recent years, as researches demonstrate its positive effects on well-being. Plant installations definitely elevate the environment in everything from hotels, shops and restaurants to offices and waiting rooms. Plants help create healthy indoor environments by producing oxygen and absorbing harmful toxins from the air, including electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) when in open-air installations. Plants can also help reduce background noise when strategically placed. Green design has benefits beyond its well-being aspects. It creates a calming atmosphere and a luxurious naturalistic aesthetic.


According to ecopsychology and the biophilia hypothesis, individuals need contact with nature. Studies have shown that bringing plants into a working environment is increasing productivity by 15%. An office with plants helps the workplace become a more enjoyable, comfortable and profitable place. In addition, the excess of nature and natural light in the office has shown that it can contribute to a reduction of sick days. In conclusion, if you simply add natural beauty you can have a positive effect on your mood and self-esteem.

By surrounding ourselves with nature scenes, we not only sharpen and clear our minds but also relax and destress our bodies. Studies have shown that mental or physical problems decrease when exposed to green color and natural environment. Green and earth toned colors tend to be more relaxing and calming; therefore, they are more suited for everyday living environments.

The sound of running water is a part of natural design too. Water features add sound, texture, and movement to the layout and create calming soundscapes. The sounds of water have an energizing effect:

• Lifting up cognitive abilities

• Improving moods

• Increasing focus

• Triggering neurochemical floods in our brains that promote wellness

• Increasing blood flow that ends up relaxing the heart and mind.



“Indoor Air Quality refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.” (USEPA)

Air pollution is not confined to the outdoors. Indoor air quality can be worse than outdoor air quality. Being in an environment with no fresh air can lead to fatigue, headaches and concentration difficulty. Plants help increase indoor air quality by photosynthesis; they replace carbon dioxide with oxygen by removing the carbon and releasing oxygen. Many plants have an air-purifying effect and can reduce carbon dioxide levels by 10-25% in a location. Plants metabolise viruses, bacteria, organic chemicals and release harmless by-products, eventually they convert toxicants into new plant tissue. Furthermore, plants help filter out chemicals from indoor air that came / were released from for example synthetic furniture items.


In large spaces, poor acoustics can be an issue. Conference areas and similar spaces must have good acoustics to avoid distractions. A proper amount of plants strategically placed will greatly mask noises in a location. Plants’ flexible surfaces break down sound waves and reduce distracting echoes. Location, size, and surface must be considered when choosing which plants to use for maximum acoustic potential in a space.